

Let this settle in for a minute - if we don’t live up to the goal we’ve set, we are going to feel like a failure. And that feeling is a place we are not willing to go, Goals - Why We Don't Set Them or Get Them… I’ve been there. And, I get you. I know the struggle. And, I know the pain. I’ll never be written up in the network marketing hall of fame. I was not a fast starter. I struggled with my negative mlm blueprint. I worried way too much about the opinion’s of others. And, now, nearly 25 years later, those opinions don’t matter. I kept my friends, or at least the ones that mattered. And, I built a successful business. What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Questions worth asking and answering Success is in the pursuit of the goal There is Struggle in Every Journey Average is for sissies!   Goals - Why We Don't Set Them or Get Them…   Questions: What is the life you dream of living? What are you doing to pursue it? What are your challenges and obstacles? How will you know when you've achieved it? What have you