

Social Media - it’s alluring, addicting, confusing and it's everywhere, right?   You might be asking yourself - how is it that some people are monetizing their time on social media?   They are generating leads, making sales and gathering new team members.   You can, too!In 1999, I took my business online and have sold products and services in over 40 countries and built direct sales teams in the tens of thousands! And for 12 years I never left my home to do a business overview in my network marketing business, and I was the number 1 income earner in that company with over 75% of the company in my downline.   How did I do it? Using the tools of the internet, Social media and search.   Success is Sexy, and yet the Journey and the process that we take to get there is not so sexy and you can probably relate to that.   It's hard at times and very challenging.   Let’s dig in - focus on only 1 or 2 platforms.   Facebook -   Profile About Me Friends Content You Share Engagement Groups. Content is ba HUGE part of wh