

Most of us have it - The “I’m not good enough” syndrome. And it stops us from living our true, fabulous and authentic life. Here's Why Your B Game Today is Better Than Your A Game Tomorrow… Tomorrow never comes. We wait for everything to be perfect, and it just never will be. I’ve been doing a lot of Facebook Live lately, and I’ve let go of my desire for perfection with it. I no longer have to have the perfect makeup, hairstyle, clothing, earrings and so on. In fact, I’ve been going live right after my hot, sweaty 4 mile desert walk. No makeup, baseball cap, and no fear! I am a morning person and I get my set inspiration while on my walk. I plan much about my marketing strategy then. That’s what the note section of my phone is for What You’ll Learn from this Episode: What we struggle with What we’re putting off Why we hesitate The excuses we make Why Your B Game Today is Better Than Your A Game Tomorrow Think about all of the things you are putting off in your life and business. And why? For wha