

Hey, hey! Welcome to F Word Friday, where I share my favorite F words and relate them to life and business.   First, I’ve got something exciting up my sleeve and I want to make sure you get in on it. It’s my Free Facebook Pop Up trainings that are coming and I want YOU to be the first to know.   These trainings are going to cover a LOT of great stuff. Starting with the 5 Step Closing Process on Sept 27th.   Have you ever struggled with the ickiness of Closing the Sale? Your prospect is interested and giving you all of the right signs. But, NOW what?   How do you move them off go into action? And how do you do it so it doesn’t feel gross and salesy?   Well, I’m going to show you the 5 stages to get it done, along with a lot of other key skills to help you rock your business.   I work with a lot of coaches as well as Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Real Estate Pros and do you know what?   We ALL share the same struggles.   Sales can feel HARD if you don’t have the skills you need. And, these skills can be L