

It’s been an interesting year this year, and actually the last 5 years.   My focus word for 2018 has been “Systemize!” And that has been all about creating systems in my business that make it run more effortlessly, simply and how to know WHAT to do each step in the process.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:     The 4 Primary Challenges Most People Face in Business   Finding Your Passion   My Struggles with Network Marketing and Why   Creating a Legacy Business and How I Am Doing It     How to Get Unstuck In Your Business   I have discovered my true love of coaching others and helping them “turn the lightbulb on for themselves, so they can experience more of what they want and do so in a way that feels good, authentic and fun.   As I have coached and worked with others, and helped to create some fabulous results and success for those who were willing to do the work!   When I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book - Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it really expanded my business vision of what could be possible for me.   Especi