

What are the big dreams you have set for your business and your life? Have you thought about how much money it will take for you to live the life of your dreams?   And, does the thought of all that might go into creating that ever wreck your self confidence and belief in making it actually happen?   We can look out in the distance and see that big end goal out there, all bright and shiny. But, we look at the space between where we are and where we want to go and it can be very daunting.   When I first started my business, I was taught to set goals - income goals mostly. And, the ones I saw other people setting were big money goals.   I set a big goal too, but quickly realized I had a problem.   I had not ever come close to earning that much in my life, and so I could say one thing, but my belief around it was another thing.   I clearly had a money belief problem, and you might too.   What kept me in the game was creating smaller goals, that felt achievable to me, and putting my focus there.   We tend to lose