

Did you catch last week’s experience, as I interviewed the Consistency Chain Authors? Boy, if you haven’t be sure to listen in and take notes, and then consider where you are in the mix of consistency.     What are you working on in your business? What’s on your calendar? I have Social Media and Why They Buy/Why They Say Yes workshops in Phoenix/Scottsdale and Nashville to finish off the year, and am open to coming to YOUR city, so let’s talk if you are interested. and click contact or book a consult call -   While I am considered a 20%er today, reading he book; interviewing the authors and re-listening to the podcast, as well as sharing it with my own team and clients has really caused me to do some deep reflection on consistency, and where I have succeeded and fallen short in my business.   My reflection has led me back to the realization and confirmation that what it takes to be successful is just committing to the act of being consistent.   So when I say “YOU” in