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What's the Value in a Blog for Your Type of Direct Sales Business



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 146.   Do you need a blog for your direct sales business and will it really work for your type of business? This is a question that Mike asked me about his Weight Loss Network Marketing business and program. Answers to this on today's show!     I was shocked at the question since weight loss is still one of the most widely researched topics online, and probably always will be as people focus on looking and feeling least for awhile!   Your blog is the hub pf the universe for your business.   Not your company site. And, not your Facebook Page, although both of these have a strong purpose in your overall online strategy.   Think of the awesome content you can create and the before and after photos you can share.   Weight loss keywords are awesome and as I mentioned, highly researched all of the time. People are looking for this information.   And, when you create your own content, you have valuable information to share on Social Media to drive