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How to Build an International Network Marketing Business Without Leaving Home



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 145   Ever wonder how to build a global business with your Direct Sales Network Marketing company without having to know someone there; travel to that country and spend a month there beating the streets? We cover this in today's show!   Now, don’t forget that I provide complete training audios and worksheets on how to build a successful network marketing business both online and offline in my inner circle coaching program.   How to Build a Global Direct Sales Business   Start with your own warm market list and ask - who do you know? GREAT chance to go back to those who you have previously talked to and see if things have changed, and do so with a 3rd party approach.   Then, think of offline networking groups you belong to. Share that your company is expanding! Drop/Blitz cards, your 30 second commercial and so on!   Other business locally that may be tied - restaurants, bars, chambers of commerce, stores and other businesses.