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Do You Suffer From Super Hero Syndrome in Network Marketing



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show XXX   Do you suffer from Super Hero Syndrome in Your Network Marketing Direct Sales Business? Feeling like you have to do it all - motivate, lead, be responsible for the success and failure of others? You might be suffering from Super Hero Syndrome, especially if you like the way you look in tights! More on today's show!     Now, don’t forget that I provide complete training audios and worksheets on thow to build a successful network marketing business both online and offline in my inner circle coaching program. How to Avoid Syper Hero Syndrome in Network Marketing   Do you like the way you look in tights? Now, that sounds like a joke, and it kind of is, but I want you to think about Super Man, Super Woman, Super Hero syndrome and think about whether you might be suffering from it.   This typically happens once you have a team growing and you have some momentum going!   Do you think you can save the world in Network Market