

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 135   Ever wonder how to create a powerful giveaway that creates opt ins and leads for your business? On today’s show, I’m going to answer Amber’s question about this, which may be your question, too!     We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.   Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.     Now, don’t forget that I provide complete training audios and worksheets on this in my inner circle coaching program.     Tools for Direct Sales Success   We've covered how to get prepared and really LAUNCH your Direct Sales business, vs just JOIN, which is nothing more than becoming a customer with the ability to earn an income referring others.   LAUNCHING is what creates success.   So, let's cover the tools you'll need to maximize