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Success Language Skills For Contacting and Inviting Your Direct Sales Prospect



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 129     We’ve spent the last few shows going through how to launch a business, where I am sharing with you exactly the steps I am taking to grow a business from start to finish.   Check the podcast archives on the blog at for previous episodes if you missed any or are new to the show.   If you want even more in depth coaching, visit my inner circle coaching at     Success Language for Contacting Your Prospects   Contacting and Inviting is the gateway skill you must learn and master to be successful, it’s an art and a skill.   Once I learned it, everything changed. I went from being in sales mode to solutions provider and I learned how to handle every network marketing prospecting situation that came up.   I cover this in   Most people aren’t trained on this topic. They sign up in their Direct Sales company, given a basic training and an idea of what to say and sent out to make that list and sta