

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US and all of those US Ex Pats who are around the globe celebrating in another country!   I love this holiday and this season because it is such a great time to reflect on everything we have to be grateful for.   On today’s show, I want to share some things I am grateful for in life and in business, and let’s see what we might share some common ground with….   Thanks for joining me for today’s show, and I hope you’ll find some value here. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     Thanksgiving and a Season of Gratitude   I’m spending the holiday in Phoenix, with my parents and my brother’s family, for the first time in YEARS. My kids were tiny the last time we were all together, so I am grateful for that!   Tweet me and let me know where you are if you are ce