

Sometimes, it’s easy to look at someone and think -   it must have been really easy for them to reach success because of XYZ.   We think this often, without knowing the whole story. I know I sure did.   So, today, I want to share a little of my journey and how it all unfolded, from zero to hero, so to speak….in case you might be thinking it must have been easy for me.     INTRO   Thanks for joining me for today’s show, and I hope you’ll find some value here. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     How Network Marketing Success Finally Happened for Me     Thanks for taking some time to listen to my story on how success happened for me, the successes and the failures. I’m not an instant success, by any means. I am here to paint a picture for you of what is possible, and then to truly help you cr