

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 103   What is it that takes one person in Network Marketing from stuck to stardom? What happens that makes that shift?   I like to call it a series of defining moments. Oh yes, there are those who come in and shoot straight to the top like a bat out of hell, but that does not define most of us.   Most of us struggle and quit. Then, some of us struggle, and then ultimately reach a point where we make that shift and then make it to the top,   Let’s talk about that on today’s show.   Welcome to the show! Are you brand new, or have you been listening awhile?   I love your feedback and to hear from you. It does feed my soul and creative spirit to keep putting out information!   Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and let me know where you ARE when you listen in. Walking, driving, at your computer, doing dishes, in the shower?     If you want to take your business to a new level and have essentially a training university at your fingertips, Direct Sales Online Coac