

Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 102   I was recently asked an interesting question by a member of the community when I asked the question - what is your greatest obstacle? I’ve developed a new mindset training program to help people really clear out what is blocking them and holding them back.   We are going to cover his question and the top 4 answers that came back to me!   Welcome to the show!    I’m doing a special series of webinars this week, Mindshift to Millions, how to get UNSTUCK in Your Direct Sales Business.   Get registered -   Even if you can’t make it, you need to be registered to get the replay link!     If you want to take your business to a new level and have essentially a training university at your fingertips, Direct Sales Online Coach provides just that -   A - Z coaching on how to launch and succeed in Network Marketing, and how to take things to a new level with developing your online presence and brand and attract those people who