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Why Business Owners Embrace Network Marketing - Interview with Marie Benoit



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #86.     Do you have some people on your Network Marketing Chicken List? Some people who may already be business owners, and so you think  - gee, they wouldn’t be interested, they already “own their life.” Or, you are slightly intimidated because they have a higher “professional status” than maybe you perceive you have?   Listen in because you will love today’s interview with someone who owned a successful business, and had the “freedom” that goes along with not having a boss. But, she was still chained to a job that she created….     Welcome to the show!    I love doing this show because I always learn so much from the guests I interview and today’s guest is no exception.   As she shares, success in any business involves ongoing education and if you are looking for a one stop resource for taking your business online, and to the next level…everything from how to contact people, share your business, how/when to follow up effectively, and even how to take