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Enjoying the Journey of Building a Network Marketing Business



Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show  #83.   Have you ever caught yourself always thinking about the future in your Network Marketing business, waiting and longing to reach a certain level or pay rank in your company. Today, let’s talk about staying present and enjoying the journey…..     Welcome to the show!    One of the greatest challenges we suffer from when starting and growing a Network Marketing business is to always be looking to the future…when we achieve this rank….or this title….or this income level.    We are taught to dream and visualize our future success, and that is all well and good, and important, as is truly enjoying the journey…   If you are looking for coaching to take your business up a success notch or two, visit my inner circle coaching program and learn how to get coached by me -     Okay, how to stay present and enjoy the journey -   Enjoy the journey - my experience at the REO concert Cycles in business Timeline of success People come