Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

Motivating and Getting Your Network Marketing Team Into Action



Hi, It’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 65 of the  Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   What is the secret to growing an excited team in Network Marketing? How does one get others on fire and seeing the vision of what their MLM business can provide them?   NETWORK MARKETING QUESTION   Today’s question comes from Marcella who included her question when she downloaded my Profit in Your PJs report at    How do I keep my network marketing team excited and engaged, motivated and in action?     ANSWER     Start with WHY, do you know why your team is building a Network Marketing business You can’t control another, only your own actions and intentions Inspire, not motivate Do your own daily accountability in your business Share what is working for you, along with challenges Encourage and recognize GET TO EVENTS Ask Good Questions     Each person is going to work their business at his or her own pace. you can’t motivate another. Not in Network Marketing, not in weight loss and f