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What Does it REALLY Take to Build a Successful Network Marketing Business



Hi, It’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 63 of the  Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   One of my biggest pet peeves about network marketing, or rather network marketers are those people who try to make it all sound like such a piece of cake. Like you sign up two people and sit back and get rich. Today. let’s talk about what it really takes.   Thanks to Sara Jean who sent me a tweet - @jackieulmer and used the hashtag #AskJackie and said -   I am trying so hard to make my business a success. I work full time, I have a new born and another child and am trying to make this work. how much work does it take, really?   My sponsor made it sound like it was going to be a walk in the park.       ANSWER   Let me start with the stories of others.   There are boundless stories of doctors, lawyers, pharmacists and others who were working 80 hours and managed to get focused, get in action and get themselves out of that position within 5 years. Those 5 years are going to go by, regardless.     How much wor