Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

Take Action on the Knowledge You Learn in Network Marketing



Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 54 in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   Show notes can be found at   See if this describes you - you read every book, listen to every conference call and webinar; you can recite the company manual and comp plan backwards and forwards (ok, well maybe that’s a stretch) but you also attend convention; study trainings and what others are doing, but you just never seem to get out of analyzing mode, and into action mode…     Listen in to today’s call to learn more.     Today’s show is brought to you by -     Let me coach you on how to get noticed and generate leads and sign ups for your network marketing business using social media - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more, as well as your own blog for the search engines.   Go to  for details.     Thanks to Terry who shared this on Speak pipe about just consuming information vs putting it into action.