

Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 53 in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   Show notes can be found at     One challenging thing about putting yourself out there online, in social media and actively building a business is that you are then opened up to all forms of scrutiny, negativity, bashing and more, by haters, trolls and negative people. In today’s show, we are going to chat about how to handle this.       Today’s show is brought to you by -     Let me coach you on how to get noticed and generate leads and sign ups for your network marketing business using social media - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more, as well as your own blog for the search engines.   Go to  for details.       I just had a conversation this week with one of my clients in the coaching program and she was quite upset after getting her first mean, negative comment on one of he