

Hi, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome to show 40  in the Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast   Show notes can be found at     Along with the amazing resources the Internet brought us in terms of expanding our reach and sponsoring people we have never even met face to face, it also create a situation called “Sponsor Shopping”, something that seldom occurred before the internet.     Today’s show is brought to you by -       SPONSOR   If you are ready to take your business online, and use the amazing tools of social media sites like Facebook, LI, Twitter, GPlus, Pinterest and more to attract people to you who are already pre sold and looking for a home business, join my inner circle coaching program and learn what works and how to build a freedom business of your dreams.  -     Today’s question is….   How to a make my Network Marketing prospects from the Internet interested in joining me and not someone