

Today, I am interviewing Mark Yarnell, a true legend in our profession.   I used to listen to Mark’s training CDS on my portable CD player at the gym. I am dating us both here, and I am sure they were on cassette before CDs.   I have learned a lot from him over the years and because I have listened to him so intently in my ear buds, I really felt like I know him. When we chatted on the phone, I realized it was the first time we had ever really talked live, and I have still not met him face to face. And, I look forward to that day.   He had me cracking up through much of the interview, and it truly was a fantastic hour!   I hope you enjoy it, too.   Mark has very average beginnings, as he’ll share. He sure changed all of that with the empire and success he has created. It just goes to show that anyone, really, can do it too, with commitment!   Before we get into the interview, here is today’s show sponsor -     Did you know you can accelerate your success when you feel confident about what to say to break the