

Hey, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome this Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, where I answer your burning questions and get you on your way to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame.    This is Show 19. And today’s question is - I’m new, or I’ve just started someone new, what should we be doing that very FIRST hour in the business?   SPONSOR   I get more questions on a daily basis about how to really build a successful business online,. from A - z, and so I developed Social Media Mastery BackStage Pass coaching and it is now open! Learn how to get your Network Marketing business online, develop a presence online so that some of those 3 million people each day who go online looking for a business will find you!  Visit SocialMediaBackstagePass.comfor details.       Today’s question is…. I’m new, or I’ve just started someone new, what should we be doing that very FIRST hour in the business?   We have a tendency to want to dump every bit of knowledge we have learned since we started