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QA017 Afraid to Talk to Family and Friends About Network Marketing



  Hey, it’s Jackie Ulmer and welcome this Q and A edition of the Street Smart Wealth, Profit in Your PJs Podcast, where I answer your burning questions and get you on your way to the Network Marketing Hall of Fame.    This is show QA017 Today’s question comes from Bandith in Cambodia, and it’s an email question - I’m afraid to talk to family and friends about my business.   SPONSOR   As more than 3 million people a day go online looking for a business, you may be wondering how to get them to find YOU, and ask YOU about your business. I caught this vision 15 years ago and saw the power of the internet as a tool to attract hungry prospects to me. It worked so well that I’ve enrolled over 1700 people in that time. Others started asking me how I did it so I developed Social Media Mastery BackStage Pass coaching and it is now open! Learn how to get your Network Marketing business online and develop a presence so that you can be found by some of those 3 million people!  Visit SocialMediaBackstagePass.comfor details