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Mental Toughness with Austin Kearns



In this episode Scott talks to former Major League Baseball player Austin Kearns. Austin talks about the importance of failure, mental toughness, his love for coaching and being a dad. Group Questions   Share a baseball related story with the group. Maybe your famous little league days or best ballpark you’ve got to see a game in. Austin spent 3yrs in the minor leagues before 11yrs in the majors. What kind of mental toughness would you have to develop during that stage of your career? The major league baseball season is long - 162 games, with all the travel, the hotel rooms, being away from family, etc. But as they say “You gotta perform to stay”. Do you ever feel that kind of pressure at your job? Austin said, “I always learned the most from failure”. How is failure such a great teacher? What do you learn about yourself when you fail? Mental toughness in dealing with adversity is a key in baseball and in life. Discuss 1 Peter 1:13 and 2 Timothy 4:5 Why is mental toughness commanded in the Bible? Austin shar