Jane Hamill | Podcast

What If Next Season's Collection Doesn't Sell?



No one says entrepreneurship is easy. But when you’re the one who creates the products and then relies on them to support yourself, your team, and your family… now that’s a whole different thing. People who own other kinds of business, regular businesses, just don’t get it. There’s a unique set of crazy–brain stuff that goes on when you make a living off of your creativity. Two different entrepreneurs asked me the same question this week— what if my next season’s collection doesn’t sell? And the funny thing is that one of them has been in business for years and is quite successful, and the other one is just starting out. Yet they’re both worried their product won’t sell next season. It’s amazing how we’re all different yet we all struggle with the same stuff.  This podcast will help you deal with the unique fear of "will it sell".  - JH Show notes and discussion on the blog: janehamill.com/whatif/ Courses and coaching membership:  janehamill.com/courses