Not So Black And White With Sean Palmer And John Alan Turner

Episode 037: Still Me: Difficult Lessons About Life w/ John Alan Turner



He thought he'd be better at this Christianity thing by now. All his life, John Alan Turner has wanted to be different, to be better than who he is, to improve. Instead, he helped plant a church that folded within a year. He got divorced. He was diagnosed with depression. His car was rear-ended and totaled, which left him with life-altering injuries. It seemed like the harder he pushed to become the person he was supposed to be, the farther away it fled. And now, here he is after all these years, saying, ''I'm still me.'' Support the Show on Patheos. You don't want to miss these wonderful goodies for very little cost. Stay In Touch: Connect on FACEBOOK Email thoughts, questions, and feedback to:  RATE and REVIEW the show on iTunes. Find Us Online: Sean: Blog | Facebook | Twitter John: Blog | Facebook | Twitter