Habits Of Healing With Dr. Donna Perillo

Dr. Patrick Porter - BrainTap, Activating Your Brain’s Neuroplasticity



Show Notes: Dr. Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. is the developer of the BrainTap™ headset, technology distinctively designed to balance brain wave activity while activating the brain’s neuroplasticity. More than 1500 health clinics worldwide use BrainTap to address the stress component of health and wellness. Dr. Porter has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, People, Entrepreneur and INC magazines and on ABC, NBC, CBS and the Discovery Channel. He is head of mind-based studies at Quantum University and is a licensed trainer of NLP. He is the author of six books including his popular Thrive in Overdrive, How to Navigate Your Overloaded Lifestyle. Daily Habit Meditation is the key to improving your life. BrainTap has some simple meditation techniques to help you get started. Contact info: contact@braintaptech.com , 302-721-6677 Website: braintaptech.com Free Trial: braintapstore.com/freetrial/drdperillo