Lylas Podcast

8: The Penis Mightier (kid nation episode 8)



This summary was going to be a clickbait headline that was supposed to pull you in and grip you tight, if not for the fact that Carly and Allison don't believe in clickbait. Instead, in the words of Lindsey Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor: "I'm bored! I'm so bored!" Bonanza City is so boring that children are literally dying in the streets on national television (circa 2007). The gurlz, the twisted sisterz, Carly and Allison are joined by Gabby **SUGAR** who came all the way up from Washington D.C. to tell us about a hot new invention you've probably seen on Shark Tank: Jonathan Karsh's Super Duper Weenie, aka the Penis Mightier. Markelle shows his love of Kangol, One-Tooth-Alex shows his lack of pop culture knowledge ("I don't know who Paris and Nicole are") and baby velcro Mallory throws her sister Olivia some shade, while Olivia plans to throw Anjay.... off a cliff. But don't worry: Nobody dies on Kid Nation! They just get really big boo boos. Also, apparently, both Romeo AND Juliet wear dresses in this town. Be