Fit Dad Nation

084 - Building an Online Brand and Business With Tony Gentilcore



Tony Gentilcore is a well-known strength coach, fitness author and speaker, as well as a gym owner in Boston, Mass. He was a guest on our Podcast back in October 2018 and we talked about all the bullsh*t that's so prevalent in the fitness business. Today I asked him back on to discuss something that I get a lot of questions about and that's starting and running an online business. There are so many middle-aged men who are burned out, working just for a paycheck, and desperately looking for a sense of purpose in their work. This is where online business comes in because it literally has no barrier to entry and one can start a business based on their passions with virtually no costs. I'm a huge proponent of not only online business but for following your passions. I spent more than a decade working in finance and hated almost every minute of it. I know what it's like to feel trapped and miserable at a soul sucking job. Tony has done an amazing job of creating a well-respected reputation and brand in the fitness