Fit Dad Nation

082 - How My Parents Lives Led To My Dedication To Health and Fitness



For today's show I wanted to share some personal history about my parents and how their significantly different lifestyles led to significantly different outcomes. This is important because our quality of life is directly related to our daily habits and actions. It's tied to the food we eat, the exercise we do (or don't do) and the environments we choose to put ourselves in. My mother raised two boys alone and spent her life working hard just to take care of us. She didn't have the time or money for a gym membership or to shop organic. She didn't dedicate any time to being healthier but instead just did her best to survive. She also managed to pick up a lifelong smoking habit and a number of jobs that required sitting at a desk all day. She started developing major health issues in her fifties, which isn't much older than I am and spent more time at doctor's offices than anywhere else. Despite a heart attack in 2005, she picked smoking back up and continued to stay inactive. This led to being diagnosed with s