Samatters Radio

When the puzzle pieces just aren’t fitting together. The Brian Schaeffer Story. (SAM 237)



  The first arriving crews attempted to knock down the fire from the exterior but were not success. Subsequently, companies went to the basement, expecting to find fire in the basement. The conditions were warm with very little smoke. The basement design was complex. The BC had the lines charged and started the search for victims and the fire. The crews were cutting holes in the walls and ceilings looking for the source of the fire. Chief Schaeffer arrived and noticed the conditions were getting worse. An order was giving to cut access holes from the exterior. While the BC in the basement was reporting relatively clear conditions there was heavy smoke billowing out of a basement opening viewable from the exterior. Chief Schaeffer became Division 1 (on the first floor). He reported light smoke on the first floor. Companies were doing primary and secondary search on the first floor and look for extension from the basement. Soon, the conditions started changing quickly. Division 1 reported this to the basement