Weight Loss Nation

E Coli Epidemic From Tainted Gound Beef Reaches 10 States



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimates about 48 Million people get sick each year from Foodbourne Illnesses. In 2018, The U.S. Population was 327 Million People..... 48 Million People is almost 15 PERCENT of the Population! That's INSANE! Of those 48 Million People....About 128,000 people are hospitalized and around 3 THOUSAND people DIE from Foodbourne Illnesses each year in the U.S.  More and more cases of E Coli from tainted Ground Beef, are spreading nationwide.  The CDC reported on April 12, 2019, that E Coli contaminated Ground Beef was the culprit in an outbreak that crossed the borders of 6 States. That was in April.......To Date..... 196 people, from 10 Different States, have contracted the Shiga Toxin producing E Coli (STEC) strain, that causes Illness. Two types of E. coli that cause foodbourne illnesses diagnosed in the United States are Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and entero-toxigenic E. coli (ETEC). STEC are a