Weight Loss Nation

Drink This Much Water Everyday to Lose Weight



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com We ALL drink water everyday.  How much do you drink in a day? Did you know YOUR Body is made up of about 60% water? Your body uses water in ALL of it's cells, tissues and organs.....to regulate body temperature.....and to maintain other body functions. Your body loses water everyday when you sweat, through digestion....and.....BREATHING! You REHYDRATE by drinking fluids and eating food with water in it. How much water you need depends on a lot of things. Do you live near Fairbanks, Alaska....where the average temperature RARELY gets over 75 degrees?  Then....you're not sweating that much.  Or....do you live near...... New Orleans?....which is the most HUMID city in the U.S......bet you thought is was Florida! I did.  if so.....you're sweating pretty much all the time and you NEED to rehydrate often. How active are you? Are you a couch potato? If so...... you're probably not going to get dehydrated.  But.....if you exercise or do physical activity for 30 minu