Weight Loss Nation

What Does The Color of My Poop Mean? S3 Ep051



Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com https://Shop.TotalLifeChanges.com/34605577/Products   What Does the Color of My Poop Mean?   Here we are towards the end of December! Wow! The Holiday season is cranking. Today, I’m going to be speaking to you about the COLOR of your Poop. That’s right….the COLOR of your Poop. It’s important to know about what the color of your Poop means. We all are familiar with the shades of Brown Poop. The oh-so-familiar brown poop. Brown Poop is NORMAL! But…….what about the other colors Poop can be? Let’s take a look at some other colors your Poop may be.   Yellow If you see that your Poop has some shades of Yellow, you may have eaten a meal that was extremely high in fat. Yellow Poop could also mean your intestine is not absorbing nutrients properly. You could also have Celiac Disease or another Digestive issue. Call your Doctor if you see Yellow Poop more than one time.   White, Pale or Clay colored Poop Your Bile Duct could be blocked or you may not be producing