Weight Loss Nation

Today's 5 Minute "SWEET" Snack! S3 Ep025



Hey Weight Loss Nation! Today.........I have a "5 Minute" Snack for all of you that NEED or are CRAVING "Sweet." This is HEALTHY Sweet Snack......It is NOT a "Meal Replacement."  There is LOTS of Sugar in this Snack Nation......but.....it's as healthy as you can get when eating something "sweet." You are going to make "Apple Pie Squares." Nothing Like a Snack that Tastes like Apple Pie! Here are your ingredients 1. 1/2 Cup of Organic Unsweetened Applesauce 2. 1/2 Cup Organic Almond Butter 3. 1/4 Cup Coconut Flour 4.  2-3 Tbls. of Organic RAW Honey 5.  1-2 Tbls. of Apple Pie Spice (cinnamon,            cardamom, nutmeg) Instructions: 1. Pre-Heat oven to 350 degrees 2. Spray Olive Oil or use REAL Butter to "grease" a square baking pan. Use whatever size you want. This recipe is for 4-6 squares, so use a baking pan that will cut 4-6 squares. 3. In a Large mixing bowl, Mix all the ingredients very well until you have a very thick batter. Use a Mixer, your hands whatever..... 4. Put the batter and spread evenly in