Weight Loss Nation

S2 Ep015 Cracking the Weight Loss Code



The Power of the Subconscious Mind I want to welcome Linda Allred as a new Mentor to Weight Loss Nation! Linda is a certified hypnotist, a best-selling author and known in the professional speaking world as, “The Hottest Ticket in Town.” Linda grew up with an alcoholic father. A father who didn’t pay attention to her but found the time to frequently tell her she was stupid. Later in life, Linda married a very handsome and successful man. Her husband began to drink alcohol more frequently, and with that, came the insults. Again, Linda found herself on the end of receiving abusive comments. For sixteen years, Linda worked in Human Resources. Linda had enough of punishing herself. She abruptly left her corporate job to focus on herself! Through mentors, Linda began to use hypnosis and study the subconscious mind.  Linda believed in herself and her self-esteem blossomed. Wanting to help others, Linda became a Certified Hypnotist and a Certified Mindset Coach. With her passion to pay it forward, Linda began to hel