Weight Loss Nation

S2 Ep009 Raw Honey as Your Secret Weapon During the Holidays



Raw Honey Will Be Your Secret Weapon This Holiday Season Hello Weight Loss Nation! The holidays are in full swing. You may be attending social events, family gatherings and you may be asked to bring a dessert. If you’re like me…….desserts are a BIG red flag towards living a healthy lifestyle. Working with some of the finest Nutritionists and Weight Loss Experts, I’m learning how to enjoy the holiday season by being mindful  of my food choices and choosing to use raw honey as a substitute for sugar. Let me explain to you why raw honey will be your secret weapon this holiday season. What is honey? Honey is a food source for bees in their hive, during the winter, when flower blossoms are not available. Winter means no nectar for the bees! Bees collect pollen & nectar from flowers and plants as they travel, which “sticks” to their legs.  Upon returning to the hive, they transfer the pollen & nectar to the “worker bees,” who then prepare the nectar for storage in the “honey combs.” The Bees add enzymes to