Double Your Dental Production Tomorrow | The Team Training Institute | Professional Dental Consultants

Ep 83: The 4 Steps To Improve Diagnosis Percentage



One of the key numbers to improve your case acceptance is to improve your diagnosis percentage. In today’s episode, we dive into what diagnosis percentage is and why it’s not level all the time. We’ll also discuss why having a thorough and consistent diagnosis process is key to improving case acceptance. This is a big challenge with practices that have multiple hygienists and providers. We also show you the 4 steps to increasing diagnostic consistency so that you have consistent treatment plans to improve the health of your patients. You'll Learn  Why improving diagnosis percentage is key to improved case acceptance The main factor that causes doctors to lower their standard of care The 4 steps to improve diagnostic percentage (and you should NEVER diagnose more than you think is right for the patient) What causes inconsistencies in diagnosis for the same diseases in the mouth and how to fix it The one tool you need to be using to improve your diagnostic standards Why you’re not seeing and diagnosing patient