Double Your Dental Production Tomorrow | The Team Training Institute | Professional Dental Consultants

Ep 80: Using Your Talents To Help Others With Cotopaxi CEO Davis Smith (Part 2)



In part 2 of this podcast, Davis Smith shares how his passion to help others lead him to develop a company based on values that were important to him, such as giving back.  He shares an incredible story about the impact we can have when we go out of our way to help others in need. Guest Bio Davis Smith grew up in Latin America and lived for several years in Ecuador. When he wasn’t in school, Davis was exploring and camping in Cotopaxi National Park. It was here that he developed a lifelong reverence for the strong, hard-working people of the Andes. His time in Latin America also showed him the plight of those in abject poverty. Davis later moved to the United States, where he pursued advanced degrees in business and international studies. He started several successful e-commerce businesses, two of which took him to Brazil, where he lived from 2010 to 2013. Despite his success, he wanted to do more to make a difference in the world. For his next venture, he decided to merge his love of travel with a poverty-fi