Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

222: Upgrade your "everybody"



Everybody knows it's too risky to have a business. Everybody is following their passion and making a million dollars doing it. Everybody knows you need to be on Instagram. Or have an email list. Everybody knows you can’t grow on Instagram on anymore. Which of these statements is true? It depends on your own personal "everybody". Today we're going to talk about who "everybody" is and how upgrading your "everybody" can improve your life. Today we're going to talk about how your concept of "everyone" is shaping your biz and life and happiness, and how you can trade it all in for a better "everyone". We'll get into the specifics in a minute, but before we do I want to remind you that the Starship, which is a brilliant way to improve your "everyone" is open now. You can find it at Taraswiger.com/Starshipbiz. It's a 90 day program that will help you uncover your mission, your profitability and your best marketing plan. I first came across this idea of a personal “everybody” in Martha Beck's Finding Your Own North S