Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

220: How do you keep going when everything is GOOD?



How do you keep going when everything is GOOD? Or FINE? What if you met your goal, so you're not feeling super motivated? Or you've gotten excited about a new project? How do you keep your consistency on what's already going well? Today's question comes from a Starship Captain who asked, "How do you stay focused on the parts of your business that are already going well, when you've got a new project you're excited about?" I'm going to answer her question in a minute, but first I wanted to tell you that the Starship is what makes this podcast possible. I don't take advertisers and I don't spend a lot of time on this podcast selling my stuff because of the Starship. Also - the Starship gives me almost all of the topics I cover here - either the questions and conversations come up naturally, or I ask the Starship once a month: what do you want me to cover? If you want to ask your questions and get them answered, the Starship is going to open next week! It has changed up a bit, so if you’d like to be the first to