Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business

217: Translate Love into Sales - Your questions answered



How do you translate passion into sales? Today I’m answering a question from an Instagram friend! On Instagram, I asked for your questions and IMDCreates asks, “I am scared to ask but here goes I am a crocheter and I am proud of what I do but it doesn't seem to translate into sales how can I change this for my business?” Sales don’t just happen, sales are a result of clear communication. Sales happen because the person who wants what you sell, clearly understands (because you communicated it) what is special about your work and how it will serve her needs. Remember, there are a bunch of needs: need for self-expression, need for belonging. How do you clearly communicate? First, understand that this is a lifelong process. You are going to get better and better at each of these steps with time, the main thing is to start working at it now, and keep paying attention as you go. This takes time and thought the first time you do it, which is why I’ve put this in classes, so you can dedicate a few weeks to figuring t