Yes, You Can! With Virginia Phillips Podcast

Expert Tips on Sponsorship and Strategic Partnerships



Big or small, organizing events is essential to business. Turning your networks into partners and sponsors to your event can be a tricky part though. But it’s tricky no more as seasoned business development, sales, and sponsorship professional, Scott Morrison himself, tells it all. It all started with his passion for making recommendations on anything. Eventually, it was all about recommending the right partnerships to other businesses. In this remarkable conversation with our host, Scott shares his strategies and success stories in getting organizations to say yes. The first questions to ask yourself is this: What do your clients need that is beyond what you provide? Which businesses can provide such needs? Certainly, it does not stop in messaging your potential sponsors on Facebook or giving them a call. So Scott also talks about creating packages and the contract that you and your partner are willing to discuss and agree on. Keep your ears on this episode and learn how to be comfortable with not only conne