Yes, You Can! With Virginia Phillips Podcast

EPISODE 32 Sarah Dunn



Value-add Marketing is Servicing Your Tribe Just a couple of years ago, business owners were crazy about creating a Facebook Page to gain authority and gather up the "fans". But how do you build a tribe of not just spectators but of actual people that really trust you and will speak and advocate for you and your business? In this episode, Sarah Dunn, owner of four businesses and Enterprise Account Executive at a major cloud-based software firm, talks about how a happy accident became a big community and incidentally, an avenue for her to ADD VALUE – servicing her target market even if they are just potential customers yet. Value-Added Marketing is just one strategy though, it has to be coupled with the eye for the numbers among other things. As such, she also talks here about becoming and the definition of an influencer, the routine she does on LinkedIn, and the consistent number of new connections she creates in a day. Catch Sarah on this interview and learn how she does it from an entrepreneur and corporate