

If you’d like to get a simple guided worksheet to download on how to work through these Top 10 De-Stessors, download the [NEW] Women Infused™ App and go to the Women Infused™ Radio Podcast channel.  “Beware of the ‘shoulds’ other people assign to your life, and learn to say no, Remember: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to.” ~Lisa Ryan, author, broadcaster When your life is out of balance, you have stress, and stress is directly related to how out of control you feel.  The more you can practice the art of self-control, the less stress you will feel.  But that’s not always easy to do.  Stress is part of life in this fast-paced, information overload society we live in. Even Jesus encountered stress.  His responses to stress provide 10 solid principles as to how you can de-stress in healthy ways. As women infused with purpose and spirit, we can all reduce our stress levels by following these simple principles too! (Adapted from the book Character Makeover by Katie Brazelton)   Resource Links: Sac