Soulful Mba

140 Investing in Yourself and Your Business with Nicole Lebreux



Our guest today is Nicole Lebreux. Nicole is a yoga instructor, a whole-plant herbalist, a mom, and the founder of Nicole Lebreux Yoga and Wellness. One of our Inner Circle clients, Nicole is an inspiring example of what you can achieve when you take action and invest in yourself. She has achieved fantastic results by following the step-by-step process that we lay out in our Beta Launch Lab—our brand new course on how to launch a profitable digital product within 30 days.Rather than come up with excises, Nicole went through the course, got down to business, and made some money! Although she has a smaller email list and a not-massive following on social media, she still had a fantastic launch. We see SO people delaying an online launch because they believe they don’t yet have a big enough following. In this episode, Nicole debunks this myth by sharing her numbers, walking us through her beta launch process, providing tips on pricing, digital product curation, and community interaction. Most importantly, we hea