Agency Dealmasters Podcast

Luke Bozeat discusses unleashing brand growth at MediaCom



Luke Bozeat is the COO of MediaCom, he has over 20 years of experience working in media and communications. He has launched products, refreshed brands, led integrated agency teams and driven communication strategies across a vast array of areas from cars, booze, charities, finance to kids TV, hairdryers and holidays. He specialises in Media planning, Communication planning, Advertising, Agency integration, Social media. We talk about everything from, what the media landscape looks like today, how MediaCom, help brands see the bigger picture by offering advice that can sometimes end up taking money out of their own pockets. You may remember the campaign for the launch of Playstation 5 which was enormous and almost broke the internet last year. They were behind that. This is absolutely a must listen to conversation with a marketing leader who had a small part in building the biggest media agency in the world. We talk about what factors led it becoming the Goliath it is today. Enjoy the chat. ___________________